Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August --- How did this happen?!

I've clearly fallen behind on blogging...I've been taken by other exciting happenings in my life, like grocery shopping, laundry, and chasing N. But seriously, I am going to take some time tonight to be crafty and make something (no clue WHAT yet) and I'll blog about it. TONIGHT. See, when I say it in capital letters, I am totally committing to it.
Our household has been busy visiting w/family, going to Le Sueur for Giant Days fun, cheering on D in mountain biking races at Buck Hill, hitting up the farmer's market, and I've been reading. LOTS. Update on that soon.

Also, I will post some pics that I've been taking with my cool new-to-me camera. That'll make you feel better and give me a slightly artsy appearance.

One more thing: I love sugar. I know I shouldn't love it so much, but I do.