Monday, July 11, 2011

WaaaaAAAAAaaaaay Behind

Realizing I'm way behind, here's a little update on my life:
N turned 2.
I turned 30.
I am seriously considering a 10-day juice fast.  It sounds crazy when I just go ahead and say it like that, but...I'm still considering it.  I figure my body is probably full of all sorts of preservatives, and it would do me some good to detoxify.

I haven't made anything other than dinner or banana bread in an embarassingly long time.  And I'm forgiving myself for the misspelling of that word, because there are some things I just don't have time for.

Professionally, things are moving along well.  I interviewed someone today, so that was a big new thing.  I have about one week to decide if I'm gonna stick with my current position for another year.  This is tough, because I really like what I do, but I'm having a really hard time dealing with the low, low, low income part.

Since I don't have anything crafty or creative to show, I'll leave you with a promise: something new will be planned out on the bus this week and will get made this weekend.  So, now you've got something to look forward to :)

1 comment:

  1. My sweet Melanie, I'm sorry I'm so behind on reading your blog. :( How did the decision go about whether or not to continue at your current position? Also, as an aside, I now use Chrome as my browser almost exclusively. The downside is that it pretty much tracks me wherever I go. The upside is that it has spell check and some coolness factor. The spell check is invaluable.
