Sunday, May 1, 2011

World News Tonight and a Hometown Day

Spent the day in LS to celebrate my niece's Confirmation. Rowdy N and I had a great time, though sad D couldn't join us due to work.

Got the news on my drive home about Osama bin Laden...sat in my car, lights off, in the driveway to hear President Obama and a bit of the afterspeech.  Not quite sure what to make of it, other than stung by the old hurt of September 11.  Proud of America, I guess you could say, inasmuch as one can be proud for extinguishing a life.  As someone who generally doesn't support the death penalty, he's as guilty as anyone could be found, yet I'm a little put-off by the idea of celebrating someone's assassination.  At some point in his life, he did have a mom...even if he is the symbolic face of the scariest terrorist organization/ideology of our times.  Again, not sure how to react to this so I guess we'll leave it there.

Had a great time in LS with the Neal-Hank crew.  N absolutely loved playing with her Con-man, and hugged her Uncle J for a full minute.  We've been talking about them lots, so no surprise that she loved every minute and wouldn't nap if her life depended on it.  Another piggy-tailed day for N, she rocked a dress over her shirt/pants, and at one point layered two additional skirts over her ensemble.  Quite the fashion statement.  She trusted/loved/wanted to play with all the adults there, was a little nervous over Lady (Bama's teacup-sized cockapoo pup), and pretty much only wanted to eat cake.  Carried her noodle-y bod in from the car and successfully transferred her into a bed - a feat usually only accomplished by D! Proud moment. Mkay, that moment has passed.
As always, left Ash's house w/more stuff than I came with.  New to our house: second bike trailer, baby stroller, more books, clothes, and a tricycle (one pedal needed). Good haul!

At least three big things are happening tomorrow:
1) I'm washing dish mountain.  Don't even bother asking for a calculation of days this mountain has taken to appear.  The facts ain't pretty.
2) I'm going on a wog...probably with baby and dogs.  No idea what weather I'm in for, but research shows I'm 110% happier when I get some physical activity in my day.
3) I'm going to spend at least 20 minutes crocheting.  Probably the same 20 minutes I spend watching the news before bed?  Likely.

There. Committed. Now you know my plan.
Also, I will make something totally easy and moderately nutritious for dinner. No idea what that is yet...Clearly, something with bacon. ;)

Okay, past my bedtime and then some. Get out there, push buttons, and save the world.


  1. I love you so much I can't stand it! How I miss you and wish we lived closer! How can it be over 10 years since we lived in South Hall? At least we have the internet and we can have these brief windows into each other's lives. LOVE you mucho!
